Thursday, June 2, 2005

If I wasn't this tall
I would have smaller feet
If I wasn't this green
I'd be wise
If I had better intentions
I'd get better results
If I wore different clothes
I would be in disguise

If I took shorter showers
I would be much less clean
If I took more control
I'd have tact
If I pushed myself further
I'd fall off the edge
If I laughed any less
I'd have lacked

If I wasn't this spastic
I would be rather dull
If I got to the top
I'd get down
If I learned how to cook
I'd appreciate take out
If I were any less shallow
I'd drown

If I could read my handwriting
I'd have nothing to solve
If I had nothing to fear
I'd lose sight
If I did everything perfect
I wouldn't gain from mistakes
If I counted my blessings
I'd be counting all night

If my memory was better
I'd recall rude remarks
If I kept out of puddles
I'd be dry
If I knew everything
I'd have nothing to learn
If I ever lost faith
I would cry

If I never took risks
I'd miss all the best things
If I paid more attention
I'd be broke
If I never felt pain
I would never know joy
If I swallowed my words
I would choke

If I slept any less
I would always get sick
If I kept my eyes open
I'd see
If I changed myself now
I'd have nothing to prove
If I don't have my flaws
I'm not me