Sunday, November 23, 2008

Make Space

Two different colors embark on me now.

Just cradle me
and rock me
like you did before.
Like you always have.

This will swirl around in my mind
the next progression of days
while the smell of whats blooming
creeps in the air.
And the mix will be the death of death.

Tell it like it is
and you won't regret the
last time you lied

More peace is to be had
but not yet.
There are no words for what comes next
so Ill have to say it




There are heartaches in the endings
but we all reap what we sow.
And if we never let things die,
others never fully grow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

On that day.

Being that there are handfuls of Heaven
in everything from the way the light
shines through the front window
to the balloon that was let go before,
one might think more doves would settle down.

But there are too many sets of silverware here
and too few reasons to need silverware there-
leaving everyone either lonely or hungry.
Some are both,
and none are neither.
Doves don't just settle down
where there are lonely, hungry people.

Maybe the key to this dilemma is a pairing
of these two unfortunate tribes:
Lonely could bring over the food that he's got
and Hungry could provide the company.

It's a shame that none would act
upon such principles.
But it's just so awfully hard to think of others
when your stomach is empty
or you're missing your brothers.

Someday, though, such a rendezvous will ensue:
A day come at last
when Hungry can forget his stomach
and Lonely can push aside his yearnings-
That each might willingly exist
only for the sake of the other.

And on that day
the doves will sigh,
close their beady eyes,
and rest at last.