Monday, February 23, 2009

The Same

Dark clouds rolling around
Dancing, swirling with the sound
Thin and sudden strips of light
Thick, deliberate drops of night

Faster beating, shorter breathing
Eyes like oceans, heart is steaming
Knuckles raw and war-torn
Words that pierce, a stream of scorn

Lids lock at once to hide the gloom
Thoughts unspoken fill the room
Mind fizzles, shortened fuse
Collects itself within the muse

The lull itself will wallow in
Until the shades are drawn again
At that moment godsent dawn
Reveals the dark, once there, is gone

Golden morning streams on through
Making mirrors of the dew
A fragrant breeze like baby's breath
Cancels any thoughts of death

Fresh windows to the soul are dry
Lungs expand, collapse in sigh
Furnace within has been removed
Tired mouth and mind are soothed

Mind will choose, body will follow
Heart will either fill or hollow
Come upon Earth wind, sleet, and flame
The Sun will rise and set the same