Saturday, January 2, 2010


whatever happened to the follow-through?
did it just get lost in the undertow?
did it lose itself some years ago?
did it pack itself into bags & leave?
will it take me with next time?

whatever happened to jumping in?
the fishing lines, the will to swim?
i will try to recount the words
when the puffing's passed & the spinning twins
are last year's wings undone.

new places but my places,
(just not-as-old places)
different faces but my faces
(just haven't been placed yet)
this may sting a little.

baby, i could cry.
baby, i can't.
baby, why?
is it because?
no, i didn't think so.

there'll be little more to say then,
biting my lip for "i told me so!"
ha ha ha!
i'm happy for