Saturday, November 26, 2011

leavings and being lefts

It seems to me that this series of sunrises and sunsets goes hand in hand with a collection of leavings and being lefts, the succession of which, has little to do with whether or not we do what we think is best, but everything to do with whether or not the sunrises and sunsets continue to occur just like they always have for many, many years so I will continue to act accordingly whether it be self-medication by attempting to chew what I have bitten off or burying the being lefts into the corners of my mind, but not the darkest corners of my mind like you might imagine would be a good place to hide things, but rather, the corners of it too blindingly lit to venture into with any kind of protective eyewear I own, the excessive light having come from, you guessed it, the sun and the third option then is becoming a leavings before becoming a being lefts and it is this last option that does not burn so brightly as the sun but is more of a milky haze like the moon who, despite his best efforts, will never actually meet the sun but follows him around in circles like a small dog, or a puppy, if you will, day by day and night by night which is so very much like the kind of moon I should like to be.