Monday, September 23, 2013


From the free flowing frame of interlocking limbs
to the treacherous trails of barricaded harmonies,
it's one way to the darkness
and it's the same SUNSHINE all the ever loving time.
With your head clenched in a vice of relaxing yet
modestly provocative high-flying acts you might call out,

"Who goes there?"

And hear no feedback.

Well, then.

You goes there, you might think. And you think you goes there alone.

Go ahead, lie to yourself. Onward, ho. It's only rational.

To believe otherwise? Would that be uncredible incredibility?

Instability? Or instant ability?

Well are you going to take me to your leader or aren't you?

At least tell me his stories.

Storytell to me until I fall asleep.

Then I'll return the favor and storytell to you

until you

float awake.