Sunday, December 6, 2009

your light

My eyes open to the dark
Here I am again
Unaware of the state that my mind is in
At peace and protected never hurt so much
I've a sky-splitting ache to feel your touch

I don't know a thing about the things I do not know
I don't want to hear about the places I could go
Send me letters, send me sonnets, send me cold-hard-cash
Anything to ease the burning from this fiery crash
Walk me down to the lake with your face to my ear
And tell me everything you do not think I want to hear

I'm really not brave
I'm really not brave
I'm really not brave, no

Blushing by the way you say otherwise
I'll slip a secret into your most heavenly eyes:
I've a sickening fear of never being complete
And having everything I do dissolve away in retreat
Switching roles, taking turns, and playing to win,
It would be far more tragic to never even begin

Maybe the most of you is hiding in the sun
And it's you that's shining down over everyone
You don't budge while the earth rotates into night
And I remember how I never will deserve your light