Sunday, May 9, 2010

So ever

That there would be anything
but the breaking of day
to better beg the question,
historically, I know not of it.
The question being, of course,
how to go about this.

I pause never less than a breath
to spring upon the fragments of this,
the unleavened artillery, that perches
sometimes thoughtfully,
sometimes thoughtlessly,
in clouds of space all about my frame.
Impending then, the answer.

So curious it seems to me,
to spend so many hours in pursuit of that
which may not take a form I’d know,
even should I ever come upon it.
Nevertheless, I thought
So ever I’d query
Howsoever long;
Until I came to there
which may not be.

Lucky it is then,
that I have come to see
that what I seek and what I think
shall never intersect under my command.
For the only thing I know
is that I know no thing
but that contained within
this very phrase.

And with every being out
in search of answers never found,
ought not we be so ever more
concentrated on the questions?

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