Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Lullaby Bandit,
weep me a song
long after notions 
and flitters are gone
Til the breaking of day
and the onset of eve
I could stare at the space
in between you and me
In true burnout fashion
you lingered in wait
til the passing of limits
and fusion to bait

Saturday, November 26, 2011

leavings and being lefts

It seems to me that this series of sunrises and sunsets goes hand in hand with a collection of leavings and being lefts, the succession of which, has little to do with whether or not we do what we think is best, but everything to do with whether or not the sunrises and sunsets continue to occur just like they always have for many, many years so I will continue to act accordingly whether it be self-medication by attempting to chew what I have bitten off or burying the being lefts into the corners of my mind, but not the darkest corners of my mind like you might imagine would be a good place to hide things, but rather, the corners of it too blindingly lit to venture into with any kind of protective eyewear I own, the excessive light having come from, you guessed it, the sun and the third option then is becoming a leavings before becoming a being lefts and it is this last option that does not burn so brightly as the sun but is more of a milky haze like the moon who, despite his best efforts, will never actually meet the sun but follows him around in circles like a small dog, or a puppy, if you will, day by day and night by night which is so very much like the kind of moon I should like to be.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Not you, either.

To sift between the sparkle in his eye and the
position it puts my insides in is an unimaginably
daunting task that I care not to tend to now.

Rather, can I think about the sparkle getting
louder when certain things happen at certain times
in just such a way that it has a circular affect?
Not that I'm asking for permission.
So I will think about it, thank you very much.

But I want so much of what I do not, cannot have.
And I want so much of what I can and do have.
That I don't know what to do with the happy
in my heart. I shall try to give it to you. And you.

Even though you don't deserve it. But then!:
I didn't deserve it
in the first place!

no one deserves anything.

Of that, I am certain.

And I am certainly some one.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Intended Reprise

You wrote a poem about the sun,
let me glance at it for one second,
and covered my eyes,
to protect yourself.

Miles & miles to get to you.
Why is it always like a song?
But I don't want to listen, just play.
I am who I never wanted to be.

All systems engaged,
I want out of this crazy-craft.
Drop me off where I didn't know any better
and leave me there.

Then cover your eyes and protect me.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

What doesn't kill me makes my heart harder.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My dad had a cat named Secret.

I have secrets with other people


 even I 

don't know about.

That is a good secret.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

here & there.

geographically speaking,
there is more ground to be covered
than i have seen.
oh how i'd love to traverse every bit of it.
the way two roads i've traveled often
will meet at a place that i was
completely unaware of
makes my skin quiver
(in a good way.)
& i dont know why
but i can't shake the addiction
to the gloriousness
of remembering the way
a familiar place felt
the first time.
sometimes to recreate it,
i'll get on the floor and look
at where i am from upside down.
perspective breeds understanding.

home? no, no.
i do not think home is a real thing.
a nice idea though-- like soulmates.
no homes, just places;
familiar spaces.
here & there.
people you know that live there
& things you keep there.
& i love
the way the light tastes different
on different days &
sounds different from different angles
but a place is always the same
no matter what the light does.

metaphorically speaking,
there is more ground to be covered
than i have seen, too.
but as for what i have seen? well,
i'd like to thank my good friend, geography,
for always being there for me
when i need miles to put between.
it's best to keep your favourite places
spread far & wide, i think.

fly away, little bird.

fly fast & far away

to the other place.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Can't start over because

that's not how it works.

Be tricked until you die

and what's the difference?

Monday, February 21, 2011

One sock came off in my sleep.
Wild and weird and fantastically deep.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ich möchte aufwachen und erkennen dieses war alles ein schrecklicher Traum.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Render Me This

We can't say we weren't warned

that thrilling music triggers reward centers

or that the anatomy of gadgets welcomes

the inherent self-destruction

of atheistic cartoons.

Oh, the disaster of a good neighbor

understanding human behavior.

His advice to you:

Try on a phantom's grief

for some quick hits

or prepare for more mythology

telling of a wormlike snake

from a land that no longer exists.

So shoots a later smoking gun

remodeled into "I love you.

You're perfect."

Perfect like

golden rules,

regional dialects, and

over exposed networks

of mutually beneficial


So what's there left to do?

Teach a kid to argue.

Engage your personal success factors.

Give yourself a break.

What do you say?

The battle for your mind occurs

when you're in pursuit of the sublime

or something of that nature.

Compositionally, it isn't as sound

as it should be.

Structurally, it lays tangent to

many tangents.

And I am now exactly one time closer to Heaven

in comparsion with how things yoused to be.

And quick evolution may lead to quiet crickets

rendering my language half full.

But poetry will make you into you so

let's not make this something it's not.

The healthiest decisions of your life

can be stumbled upon!

They can be taxing, but can also be viewed orbitally

like a radically chic, scientifically abused

merry-go-round of wickedness.

Even flash floods can be

chillingly inspirational

like lonely, new jellyfish mosaics

in a mathematically rundown

bootstrap paradox.

File under: unfinished.

Let's wait under the bus.





The end.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011




blink blink






blink blink


blink blink



