Saturday, April 2, 2011

here & there.

geographically speaking,
there is more ground to be covered
than i have seen.
oh how i'd love to traverse every bit of it.
the way two roads i've traveled often
will meet at a place that i was
completely unaware of
makes my skin quiver
(in a good way.)
& i dont know why
but i can't shake the addiction
to the gloriousness
of remembering the way
a familiar place felt
the first time.
sometimes to recreate it,
i'll get on the floor and look
at where i am from upside down.
perspective breeds understanding.

home? no, no.
i do not think home is a real thing.
a nice idea though-- like soulmates.
no homes, just places;
familiar spaces.
here & there.
people you know that live there
& things you keep there.
& i love
the way the light tastes different
on different days &
sounds different from different angles
but a place is always the same
no matter what the light does.

metaphorically speaking,
there is more ground to be covered
than i have seen, too.
but as for what i have seen? well,
i'd like to thank my good friend, geography,
for always being there for me
when i need miles to put between.
it's best to keep your favourite places
spread far & wide, i think.

fly away, little bird.

fly fast & far away

to the other place.

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