Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rhymes, Riddles, and Reasons

Sounds take over
As I lie in my bed
Will I find no rest
Before I am dead?

Enchanting wind-chimes,
Shattering glass,
Crunching ice cubes,
Someone cutting the grass

It's buzzing hornets,
Squealing tires,
Crying babies,

Laughing people,
Smacking lips,
Staggered breathing,
Paper rips

Nails on a chalkboard,
Screams of pain,
It's childbirth and
Heavy rain

There's a corny joke
And subsequent groan,
A gurgling drain,
A new ring tone

An honest prayer,
piano tune,
And singing choir,
are joining soon

There are old men fighting,
Faucets leaking,
Skipping rocks and,
Foreigners speaking

I hear kittens meowing,
Howling hounds,
And then some other
stranger sounds:

I hear magnificence,
Rhymes, riddles, and reasons,
I hear oxygen,
And all four seasons

I hear revolution,
Regrets and pleas,
Nostalgic thoughts,

I hear unloved children,
An unwritten song,
And unspoken thoughts,
Where they don't belong

Within young bodies
I hear dying spirits
It's a musical mess
With some beautiful lyrics

I hear the panic inside you
Every step that you take
I hear grace and forgiveness
I hear love. I hear hate.

Sleep comes not near me
This I continue to fear
As I lay and I struggle
With all I can hear

The sounds are unceasing
Silence I'll not find

For the truth is, I'm deaf

And that noise is my mind.

1 comment:

Annie said...

This is beautiful.