Thursday, February 14, 2008

Right-Side Up

Sometimes I know you're watching me ignore you,
Sometimes I purposely adore you, and
Sometimes you get this look in your eye
Like you want to hold something upside down
And spin it round and round really fast.

And the terrifying
And all too appealing part about it is
That there isn't anything
can do about it
Or anything
can say about it
to make you
change your mind;
Your techno-rave-crazed mind.

Dough is enough for me
To shape and mold for free
(Or almost free)
So I don't need you
To grant me permission
To shape and mold you
For a price I can't pay
Or a day I can't survive.

But I'll still spend my time
Looking through collages-
The tangled webs and tapestries-
Of your life
(If you want me to)
Or your love
(If you need me to)
I just might not survive
If you spin me round and round
really fast
upside down.
So please,
Only right-side up.

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